Thanks for your interest in, but unfortunately I've closed the site for a bit.
FreeTrakr was a "Cloud based invoicing & time tracking" service released in 2012. Since then, the uptake was very low and it wasn't really being actively developed. Whilst it was nice little tool to help me invoice clients, it didn't really reach enough people to get any momentum.
The plan is to come back to project at some point in the future and redesign the whole thing from the ground up. If you're interested in helping out, give me a shout on Twitter (@jamescpegg).
If you had an account on FreeTrakr (which I'd be surprised about because we literally only had about 10 accounts and they were all trials...) then your data has been destroyed , incinerated, obliterated, backed up. If you want previously generated invoices, please send an e-mail to [email protected]. I'll try to get back to you as quickly as possible.